Friday, June 12, 2009

The Trip Began Yesterday

Every inter-continential trip starts with the very inportant first step of buying the ticket. I have been scouring the internet for the best deals that I could find, and finally found a day and flight that I was pleased with. The official Departure Date for Madrid will be August 18th, 2009. From now until then I plan to spend as much time with family and friends as possible. The current plan is to Keep the Blog going strong during the trip to keep everyoe that is interested updated. I hope you all will enjoy the tales that will be told over the course of the next year.

Best Always,



  1. Hi Phil,
    Great to know that you made it safe over there! What was your first impression of Madrid? It's hot over there! Is the city empty with people being away on vacation?? Start writing!! Love you, mom

  2. You sound like you're having a blast you party animal. I can't wait to come visit you. Sounds like tons of fun and keep me posted. -Toadster
