Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Oct 6th - Oct 12

Well it was a long weekend here in Spain for some national holiday, and not much is new. Last week in class I had two quizzes, one in Game Theory and one in Management. Both of them went well. The quiz in Management was written in very poor English so it was a little tough to understand but I managed to get through it. Friday morning I went for a jog about 45 min around Retiro park, right next to my house. it was nice to get out there and run. Tried to take a nap later in the day but a ton of jets were flying over practicing for the parade that took place on Monday so about half an hour into my nap I was rudely awaken!

Friday Night I went to pick up Domingo’s, my cousin, from the airport along with another friend of ours Miguel Castello Branco. Friday night we went out and met up with all my friends from Madrid, Marc, Javier, Ismael, Vicky, etc. It was a good night we danced the night away as usual at Orange Café.

Saturday was kind of Lazy we woke up late being that we went to bed after 6 a.m. and then met up with a friend of Domingo's and Miguel’s that is here in Spain. We went for a walk through Retiro Park and then went to look at the train station by my house. That night we watched Portugal beat up on Hungary in World Cup Qualifying and then went out to celebrate a friend’s birthday.

Sunday was even slower than Saturday! Another late night this time after 8a.m. and we woke up around 2:30 or so in the afternoon. We went to Real Madrid’s Stadium, Santiago Bernabéu, not very pretty from the outside but it is definitely one of the more important cites in this city for the fans! After the stadium we cruised around Plaza Mayor, The Royal Palace and a Market near Plaza Mayor. We did not go out partying again, but we did go to a very nice Tapas bar for dinner called Lateral (look over the Menú if you want to see the ridiculously good tapas they serve! http://www.cadenalateral.es/la_carta/la_carta.html)

After finishing dinner around 1:30 a.m. it was tome to call it a night, Domingo’s and Miguel had to leave the house at 5:15 to catch their flight back to Lisbon. All together it was a great weekend, nice to spend one in Madrid again!

Not much else to write so this may go down as the shortest blog to date!

More adventurous to come in the near future.

Miss you all back home in Carlsbad and the Dirty T (Tempe)

Love Always,



  1. EXCUSE ME! Wasn't the national holiday Columbus Day????? Of course Portugal claims he was Portuguese, but I think the big celebration would be in Spain . . . Glad you had a great time with Domingos and Miguel. Love ya! By the way, the Portuguese were not excited about Columbus' trip because they were after a maritime route to India, and they knew he was going the wrong way!!! So, he "discovered" this great land . . .

  2. Im glad to see that you're capable of having a somewhat relaxing and mellow week... Your blogs were getting a little exhausting! JK! Keep up the good work with school- and keep the great blogs coming!
